Vivienne Sole
Vivienne is a visual artist ,living and working in Hereford. Returning from a career in Hong Kong she trained in Fine Art in Hereford College of Art. She has exhibited widely including exhibitions at The Chapel Gallery , Bromyard. She is a member of the locally based ART WRITE group who have most recently been exhibiting their show “Moment” on line during the “covid” period.
The work on show during ARTWALK is around a theme of loss, taking the butterfly as a motif representing the soul .She enjoys 3D work, collage and book art , and selecting materials that relate to the subject matter. In the piece “Firelight” she has chosen to create butterflies from golden joss paper, normally these papers are burnt in the East as offering for the ancestors.

Papaver Somniferum ”White Cloud” .
Papercut. 50cm x 50cm

'Images of the Soul'
Transfer print